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The construction process consists of three phases listed below

The Construction Process


1. Initial meeting

2. Identifying your style

3. Assembling a team & budgeting

4. Finding a location & design


1. Timelines & Budget

2. Construction begins

3. Progress reports & photos

4. Task management

5. Project Completion

Post- Construction:

1. Warranty

2. Maintenance 

3. Follow-up

The Construction Phase

Once the pre-construction service agreement has been completed and both parties have decided that they're a good "fit", we'll present you with a Construction Agreement that outlines the details of the work, based upon the PSA. Those details will include an up to date budget, tentative timelines and specific terms. At that point, the construction phase can begin.


The construction phase is the most anticipated phase of the project. Afterall, that's where all the "real" work takes place and the building, or remodel, takes shape. Largely, you've made your most important decisions during the PSA phase. However, this is the phase where the majority of changes take place. Sometimes those changes are due to unforeseen circumstances or maybe the client simply notices something they didn't think about before. Regardless, the construction phase contains various elements to help the process, and completion of the home, go smoothly. Besides the actual building of the home, here's an example of what's contained in the construction phase.

1. Timelines & Budget

          As mentioned above, we attempt to provide an accurate budget amount as well as realistic timelines for each phase (concrete, framing, plumbing, etc.) as well as the overall completion of the project. Something to keep in mind, particularly if you're not originally from our area, is that our rural location can have an unexpected effect on timelines. Sometimes due to extreme weather and other times due to availability of materials. Regardless, it's our goal to minimize the effects of these factors.

2. Progress Reports & Pictures

          Throughout the building process, we provide progress reports. Normally attached to the regularly scheduled billing invoice, the progress report is a daily summary of the work undertaken as well as the approximate time it took to complete that work. It also includes an overall summary of the progress and projections and goals for the future. This is NOT a way for the client to micromanage the project, but rather, a way for SBC to be transparent in their activities and keep the client up to speed with how the project is progressing.

          Many of our clients actually live in other parts of the country and aren't available, on a regular basis, to view the progress of their home. Therefore, we provide regular photos and utilize our social media presence as a means to keep you, as well as your friends and family, informed on the daily progress of your home.

3. Task management

          The successful completion of any custom home or major remodeling project requires a coordinated effort by everyone involved, with communication and anticipation being key to the success. Because we work closely with all of our major subcontractors, we have a regular and open line of communication with all of them. Having a handle on the project and being able to schedule those subcontractors and suppliers accordingly is something we at SBC strive to do well, minimizing any effects on our timeline goals.

          It's also critical for you, the client, to promptly respond to any questions or decisions that need to be made. Again, many of those decisions will have been made by this time, but not all.

4. Project Completion

          As we get closer to the completion of your building or remodeling project, our team leader will begin to create a list of details that need to be addressed. They will also ask you to do the same. As attentive to detail as we try to be, there are hundreds of tasks and details to every project and, at times, something will get missed. Or, something might be damaged during the process. Whether a little touch up paint or adjusting a door, this is the time for us to address and remedy these issues.

          Once the project has been completed and the crews have all gone home, there's one more thing. We then send a team of cleaners into your home. This may seem a little trivial, but we find that this is a terrific way for us to identify a defect that may have been hidden by dirt created during construction activity. Also, there is nothing like walking into a clean home, ready to live in and enjoy!

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